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তুমিও হতাশ

Director: Debdip Roy

"তুমিও হতাশ" is a short fiction film with the story protesting against recent stereotype education system in a untraditional way with a solution at the end.It starts with normal lathergy of a normal b-school boy,and it proceed with normal routine and ultimately ends up with breakthrough of a studious guy.It contains five of characters having five different dimensions of student society.Its a message for all guardian and students both that u don't manage yourself to the terms of mean-minded society.But make yourself strict about your likes and dislikes,and lead your life to the passion of yours.The story proceeds with a constructive gossip of four guys.we thought this way to be one of the better way to express the panic within the student section with a deep chorus protest at by heart.And it all ends up with a very unpredictable protest journey and to freedom of life strategy selection.