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377 ways of life

Director: Sayonto kundu and Abhinandan ghose

377 ways of life - A Pandora's Reel initiative is directed by Sayonto Kundu and Abhinandan Ghose as a campaign film against homophobia.The verdict of Supreme Court of India on IPC 377 on 11th December 2013 affected each of our lives in strange ways.The film attempts to portray a part of the big picture raising voice against a common social enemy; Homophobia.

377 ways of life won the Best short film award at Anukriti Short Film Talent Award Competition 2014. It also won in the Category of Best Direction and Bibriti Chatterjee in the category of the Best Actress award .

377 Ways of life, has recently been selected for the film festival QUEERSICHT in Bern, Switzerland

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