Brahmapur Harisava Sarbojanin Durgotsab committee
Brahmapur Harisava Math, P.O. Garia, Kolkata 700084
Landmark - Usha Bus Stop on N.S.C Bose Rd or Masterda Surya Sen Metro Stn> Bansdroni Police S tn>Brahmapur Agradoot Club ground
Starint year - 1970
Footfall - 10000
Theme - Rong Tuli R Poter Bahar, 16- R Pujoy Er Samahar
President - Ramesh Chand Singhal
Secretary - Nirmal Debnath
Art Director - Anjan Bhattacharya
Pratima - Manik Das
Light - Sanu Electric
Pandal - Subhalagna Decorators
Activty - Sit and Draw competition, Recitation competition, Cloth distribution to poor people