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talapalli sadharan durgotsab samity

5 kali kumar banerjee lane kol-02 near bagbazar beside tala post office

Landmark - tala post office
Starint year - 1947
Footfall - 50000
Theme - this year our puja based on Hirak rajar deshe but it is our own way by the artist anubhav dutta and anirban biswas
President - shiv ratan jhowar
Secretary - anup kumar kundu
Art Director - anubhav dutta
Pratima - bivas banerjee
Light - mintu show
Pandal - anubhav dutta
Activty - The committee provides free education to the underprivileged children. They distribute new clothes to the needy ones during Durga puja. Free health and eye check up camps, blood donation camps are organized regularly. The committee provides free thalasemia treatment to the underprivileged people.