Keyatala Pally Samity
P-471 Lake Terrace Extension, CIT Scheme - XLVII, Keyatala, Kolkata 700029
Landmark - Nazrul Manch, Vivekananda Park, Southern Avenue, Somnath Mullick Hall, Keyatala
Starint year - 1945
Footfall - 5000
Theme - We follow a strict Shabeki Bonedi Pujo only with all traditions and rituals being followed strictly and with devotion. We observe Kumari Puja, Ayudh Puja/Astra Puja, Aparajita Puja. Our pratima is strictly a shabeki bonedi khash bangla old aged styled protima with variations in the pandal.
President - Tishta Biswas Das
Art Director -
Pratima - Kartick Pal & Sadhon Pal
Light -
Pandal -
Activty - Greening locality, Swatch Bharat etc