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আপনি যদি আমাদের e-commerce shop খুজ্জেন তাহলে এই লিঙ্ক এ ভিজিট করুন : shop.werbangali.com

Masterda Smriti Sangha

Prafulla Kanan(W),Krishnapur,Kolkata - 700101

Landmark - Sri Krishna Marriage Hall
Starint year - 1953
Footfall - 75000
President - Uttam Kumar Chanda
Secretary - Dipan Chaudhuri
Art Director - Brinda Pradhan
Pratima - Avijit Pal
Light - Partho Das
Pandal - Maa Kali Decorators
Activty - During the Durga Puja, we spread happiness among the people who are poor and are unable to enjoy the great festival by distributing clothes among them. To improve the education of our state and country and to increase the number of literate people we give out books to those children who are unable to continue there studies due to financial problems. During the winter we arrange annual sports open to all which is the great mode of entertainment for our locality and helps to bring out talent hidden within the young generation. We arrange free eye checkup camp for every person in our locality during the month of February.