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16 brindaban mullick first lane,Kolkata 700 009,(sukea st.)

Landmark - Oppo of Rammohan Library ,Sukea Street
Starint year - 1910
Footfall - 25000
Theme - Chandi Mondop a Daker Saj .. Brindaban a Aksho Pach celebrating 105th years of Durga Pujo
President - Barun Mukherjee
Secretary - Sagar Ghoroi
Art Director - Kanai Mondal
Pratima - Mintu Paul
Light - Arup Swarup
Pandal - Amar Dhara
Activty - Inspite of limited budget we would give scholarship of worth Rs.60,000/- to the six number of talented student by reducing our puja budget. * Sukriti Bose Smriti Memorial scholarship of worth Rs.10,000/- for talented student ** Sourendra Nath Mukherjee Memorial scholarship of worth Rs.10,000/- for physically disable talented student *** Kali Krishna Bose Memorial scholarship of worth Rs.10,000/- for promising student (other than education) **** Sourendra Nath Mukherjee Memorial scholarship of worth Rs.10,000/- for mentally challenged talented student ***** Snehalata Roy Choudhury Memorial scholarship of worth Rs.10,000/- for talented student ***** Namita Paul Memorial scholarship of worth Rs.10,000/- for talented student